220-1102 Practice Test Questions Answers

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CompTIA A+ Certification Core 2 Exam
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CompTIA 220-1102 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A technician is reimaging a desktop PC. The technician connects the PC to the networkand powers it on. The technician attempts to boot the computer via the NIC to image thecomputer, but this method does not work. Which of the following is the MOST likely reasonthe computer is unable to boot into the imaging system via the network?

A. The computer's CMOS battery failed.
B. The computer's NIC is faulty.
C. The PXE boot option has not been enabled
D. The Ethernet cable the technician is using to connect the desktop to the network isfaulty.

Question # 2

A field technician applied a Group Policy setting to all the workstations in the network. Thissetting forced the workstations to use a specific SNTP server. Users are unable to log innow. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of this issue?

A. The SNTP server is offline.
B. A user changed the time zone on a local machine.
C. The Group Policy setting has disrupted domain authentication on the system,
D. The workstations and the authentication server have a system clock difference.

Question # 3

In which of the following scenarios would remote wipe capabilities MOST likely be used?(Select TWO).

A. A new IT policy requires users to set up a lock screen PIN.
B. A user is overseas and wants to use a compatible international SIM Card.
C. A user left the phone at home and wants to prevent children from gaining access to thephone.
D. A user traded in the company phone for a cell carrier upgrade by mistake.
E. A user cannot locate the phone after attending a play at a theater.
F. A user forgot the phone in a taxi, and the driver called the company to return the device.

Question # 4

A company's assets are scanned annually. Which of the following will most likely help thecompany gain a holistic view of asset cost?

A. Creating a database
B. Assigning users to assets
C. Inventorying asset tags
D. Updating the procurement account owners

Question # 5

A technician is troubleshooting a computer with a suspected short in the power supply.Which of the following is the FIRST step the technician should take?

A. Put on an ESD strap
B. Disconnect the power before servicing the PC.
C. Place the PC on a grounded workbench.
D. Place components on an ESD mat.

Question # 6

A macOS user needs to create another virtual desktop space. Which of the followingapplications will allow the user to accomplish this task?

A. Dock
B. Spotlight
C. Mission Control
D. Launchpad

Question # 7

A technician needs to replace a PC's motherboard. The technician shuts down the PC.Which of the following steps should the technician take next?

A. Turn off the monitor.
B. Remove the power cord.
C. Remove the PSU.
D. Remove the RAM modules.

Question # 8

Which of the following is the default GUI and file manager in macOS?

A. Disk Utility
B. Finder
C. Dock
D. FileVault

Question # 9

Which of the following environmental factors are most important to consider when planningthe configuration of a data center? (Select two).

A. Temperature levels
B. Location of the servers
C. Humidity levels
D. Noise levels
E. Lighting levels
F. Cable management

Question # 10

Every time a user tries to open the organization's proprietary application on an Androidtablet, the application immediately closes. Other applications are operating normally. Whichof the following troubleshooting actions would MOST likely resolve the Issue? (SelectTWO).

A. Uninstalling the application
B. Gaining root access to the tablet
C. Resetting the web browser cache
D. Deleting the application cache
E. Clearing the application storage
F. Disabling mobile device management


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