SY0-701 Practice Test Questions Answers

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CompTIA Security+ Exam 2024
175 Questions
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CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 EXAM

The most recent standard for prospective cybersecurity specialists is the CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 test, which provides a thorough validation of fundamental security knowledge. Security+ establishes the benchmark for comprehension of fundamental security concepts, such as threat management, risk mitigation, and infrastructure security.

It is the most extensively accepted entry-level certification in the business. Getting the SY0-701 exam certification is essential for anybody wishing to begin or progress in the field of cybersecurity because it not only increases your knowledge but also greatly improves your career prospects in light of the growing frequency of cyber threats.

Why Should I Study For The CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 Exam?

There are several good reasons to work toward becoming Security+ certified. It is the most widely sought-after cybersecurity certification in the world, frequently being the first to be obtained. Take into account the following data if you're thinking about a career in cybersecurity or want to expand your options in your present field:

  • Over 700,000 professionals in the business possess the Security+ SY0-701 certification.
  • 13 percent of cybersecurity jobs require certification to apply.
  • In the United States, 24% of cybersecurity professionals hold a certification.

Target Audience For SY0-701 Exam

The globally recognized CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 certification is used to assess candidates for essential knowledge and skills in IT security. It is meant for anyone who want to enter the field of cybersecurity or advance in it.

Complete Breakdown Of CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 Exam

  •   CompTIA Security+ certification (SY0-701)
  •   Edition: The most recent edition of the Security+ exam is SY0-701.
  •   Release Date: November 7, 2023, was the release date of the exam version.
  •   Validity of Certification: After passing the exam, you can renew your certification every three years by earning continuing education credits or retaking the test.
  •   Number of Questions: probably 90 questions.
  •   Question Types: Multiple-choice (single and multiple answers), drag-and-drop, and performance-based questions (PBQs) that simulate real-world scenarios.
  •   Duration: 90 minutes.
  •   Passing Score: 750 out of 900 points.

Required Conditions For SY0-701 Exam

  • Experience:  It is advised that candidates have at least two years of relevant job experience in information technology, with a focus on security, even if there are no formal requirements.
  • Knowledge:   It helps to have a solid grasp of networking and fundamental cybersecurity principles.
  • Exam Fee:  The exam will set you back about $392 USD. However, depending on the area and any available reductions, pricing could change.

Carrier Advancement After Passing CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 exam

  • Careers:  Those with the Security+ certification can work as IT auditors, systems administrators, network administrators, security consultants, and security administrators.
  • Pay:  Depending on region and experience, the certification can greatly increase earning potential and be recognized worldwide. Average pay ranges from $65,000 to $85,000.

Key Domains Division Of SY0-701 Exam

Domain Description
Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities (22%)
  • Indicators of Compromise (IoC): Analyze potential indicators to identify threats like malware, ransomware, phishing, etc.
  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): Understand APTs, threat actors, and their TTPs.
  • Vulnerabilities: Identify system/application vulnerabilities, including CVEs.
Architecture and Design (20%)
  • Secure Network Architecture: Design secure network architecture including segmentation, virtualization, and cloud-based security.
  • Security Models and Frameworks: Apply models, frameworks, and best practices for a secure posture.
  • Secure System Design: Understand secure system design principles, hardware/software architecture, and security baselines.
Implementation (25%)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM): Implement identity and access controls, including AAA.
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Deploy and manage PKI and certificate systems.
  • Secure Deployment: Configure secure systems, networks, and applications, including secure software development.
Operations and Incident Response (23%)
  • Incident Response: Develop and implement an incident response plan.
  • Forensics: Perform digital forensics, including data acquisition, preservation, and analysis.
  • Monitoring and Detection: Implement monitoring strategies, including SIEM and IDS/IPS.
  • Mitigation: Apply techniques for mitigating security incidents including DRP and BCP.
  • Automation: Use automation to enhance security operations with SOAR platforms.
Governance, Risk, and Compliance (20%)
  • Risk Management: Apply risk assessment, mitigation, and acceptance.
  • Compliance: Ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS.
  • Policies and Procedures: Develop and enforce security policies, data protection, and privacy policies.
  • Auditing: Conduct internal/external audits, vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing.
  • Legal and Ethical Issues: Understand legal and ethical issues related to cybersecurity.

CompTIA SY0-701 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

An organization is struggling with scaling issues on its VPN concentrator and internet circuitdue to remote work. The organization is looking for a software solution that will allow it toreduce traffic on the VPN and internet circuit, while still providing encrypted tunnel accessto the data center and monitoring of remote employee internet traffic. Which of the followingwill help achieve these objectives?

A. Deploying a SASE solution to remote employees
B. Building a load-balanced VPN solution with redundant internet
C. Purchasing a low-cost SD-WAN solution for VPN traffic
D. Using a cloud provider to create additional VPN concentrators

Question # 2

A company's end users are reporting that they are unable to reach external websites. Afterreviewing the performance data for the DNS severs, the analyst discovers that the CPU,disk, and memory usage are minimal, but the network interface is flooded with inboundtraffic. Network logs show only a small number of DNS queries sent to this server. Which ofthe following best describes what the security analyst is seeing?

A. Concurrent session usage
B. Secure DNS cryptographic downgrade
C. On-path resource consumption
D. Reflected denial of service

Question # 3

Which of the following security concepts is the best reason for permissions on a humanresources fileshare to follow the principle of least privilege?

A. Integrity
B. Availability
C. Confidentiality
D. Non-repudiation

Question # 4

Which of the following is the most common data loss path for an air-gapped network?

A. Bastion host
B. Unsecured Bluetooth
C. Unpatched OS
D. Removable devices

Question # 5

An administrator discovers that some files on a database server were recently encrypted.The administrator sees from the security logs that the data was last accessed by a domainuser. Which of the following best describes the type of attack that occurred?

A. Insider threat
B. Social engineering
C. Watering-hole
D. Unauthorized attacker

Question # 6

An organization is leveraging a VPN between its headquarters and a branch location. Which of the following is the VPN protecting?

A. Data in use
B. Data in transit
C. Geographic restrictions
D. Data sovereignty

Question # 7

A systems administrator wants to prevent users from being able to access data based ontheir responsibilities. The administrator also wants to apply the required access structurevia a simplified format. Which of the following should the administrator apply to the siterecovery resource group?


Question # 8

During the onboarding process, an employee needs to create a password for an intranetaccount. The password must include ten characters, numbers, and letters, and two specialcharacters. Once the password is created, the company will grant the employee access toother company-owned websites based on the intranet profile. Which of the following accessmanagement concepts is the company most likely using to safeguard intranet accounts andgrant access to multiple sites based on a user's intranet account? (Select two).

A. Federation
B. Identity proofing
C. Password complexity
D. Default password changes
E. Password manager
F. Open authentication

Question # 9

A company is discarding a classified storage array and hires an outside vendor to completethe disposal. Which of the following should the company request from the vendor?

A. Certification
B. Inventory list
C. Classification
D. Proof of ownership

Question # 10

Which of the following would be the best way to handle a critical business application thatis running on a legacy server?

A. Segmentation
B. Isolation
C. Hardening
D. Decommissioning


What Our Clients Say About SY0-701 Practice Test

    Wesley Fuller     Sep 16, 2024
Going through with SY0-701 real exam questions made me realize how much I needed them. The practice tests from Dumpsgenious were absolute brilliant.
    Josue Barrett     Sep 15, 2024
Dumpsgenious latest SY0-701 dumps pdf helped me feel more prepared, and I passed the SY0-701 without any re attempt.

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