Salesforce-Net-Zero-Cloud Practice Test Questions Answers

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Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Accredited Professional Exam
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Are you familiar with the concept of net zero energy? It is where the amount of energy generated plus a building’s renewable sources equals the amount of energy it consumes.

Confusing right? It won’t be any longer when you complete the Salesforce-Net-Zero-Cloud braindumps training! We at DumpsGenious are eager to lend a hand to professionals who wish to go green within the Salesforce Cloud platform.

Net Zero Cloud is a platform helping organizations oversee and control their environmental footprint. Taking their progress to an absolute net zero!

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Salesforce has always been setting targets for its candidates. And the net zero cloud exam here is no exception. With a passing score of 61%, Salesforce expects a candidate to solve at least 34 questions out of 55 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions.

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Stepping into the World of Net Zero Cloud With Salesforce-Net-Zero-Cloud Braindumps

This 75-minute exam covers everything crucial to a sustainable future with Net Zero Cloud. It is also an opportunity for Salesforce professionals to learn tricks to decrease the carbon footprint of their customer’s cloud-based operations. By boosting your mental ability to manage time and comprehend the Salesforce-Net-Zero-Cloud question answers, the Salesforce-Net-Zero-Cloud dumps contribute to a more sustainable performance on exam day. We pledge to take your steps to success with our wide range of Salesforce-Net-Zero-Cloud real exam questions. Everything from practicing the Salesforce-Net-Zero-Cloud practice test to passing on the first time is our responsibility.

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Your exam is divided into three parts: Discovery, Design, and Implementation. Every part is equally important to pass.

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Salesforce Salesforce-Net-Zero-Cloud Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A Sustainability Manager needs to load in new energy use records into Salesforce. What two things are true about data loading? (2) 

A. It is not possible to use Data Loader for Energy Use Records 
B. When using the Data Import Wizard, the column headers must match the API name of the fields 
C. It is important to create a Carbon Footprint before the client loads Energy Use Records 
D. Use CSV files with the Data Import Wizard and the Data Loader tool 
E. When using the Data Import Wizard, the client must load different record types separately 

Question # 2

Where can the sustainability manager configure their preference for scope 2 emissions? (1) 

A. Both are always active therefore simply hide the field if the client does not want to see both 
B. Define the correct Scope 2 in the Emission Factors 
C. It is selected in the Salesforce Setup under 'Net Zero Cloud-Scope 2' or 'SustainabilityScope 
D. It is a prompt during the installation of the Managed Package 

Question # 3

What three kinds of structures can a carbon footprint support? (3) 

A. Two years worth of Hydrogen data 
B. Combined GHG for multiple assets across multiple years 
C. Carbon Monoxide collections for a given year 
D. Sum of GHGs of a single asset for a given year 
E. A single asset's GHG over five years 

Question # 4

A sustainability manager receives an energy bill for a leased building. She needs to convert the bill to TC02e, What type of [...] as? (1) (Falta algo en los []) 

A. Carbon Footprint Record 
B. Energy Contract Record 
C. Organization Asset Record 
D. Energy Use Record 

Question # 5

What three things are correct about Energy use Records and Carbon Footprint records? (3) 

A. Carbon footprint records can be the sum of a single asset for a given year 
B. Net Zero Cloud does not employ energy usage records to do the carbon calculations. Instead the client has to create custom records. 
C. The many-to-many relationship allows the client to create a single asset for multiple years of any period of time 
D. The many-to-many relationship allows the client to associate multiple assets for any period of time 
E. Energy use records have to represent monthly usage 

Question # 6

Which three declarative automation tools can be used to trigger actions? (3) 

A. Workflow Rules 
B. Apex Triggers 
C. Process Builder 
D. API Code 
E. Flow Builder 

Question # 7

Kevin is reviewing an Energy use Record for an office building that his company owns. There are only Scope 2 emissions being calculated and no Scope 1 emissions. What does he need to change? (1)

 A. Input the correct Emissions Factor - Electricity record 
B. Fill in the electricity consumption field 
C. Ensure that the Company-Owned Asset checkbox is selected on the Organization Asset 
D. Change the record type to General 

Question # 8

What permission set allows users to enter and modify data? (1) 

A. Sustainability Cloud or Net Zero Cloud 
B. Sustainability App Manager
 C. Sustainability Analytics 
D. Sustainability App Auditor 

Question # 9

Who can view the Einstein Analytics Dashboards provided with Net Zero Cloud? (1)

 A. Users with Event Monitoring Analytics Admin or Event Monitoring Analytics User permissions V U set 
B. Users with the Sustainability App Manager permission set 
C. Users with Sustainability Cloud, Net Zero Cloud or Sustainability App Auditor permission set 
D. All Salesforce users, only edit requires special license 

Question # 10

Surabhi has negotiated a new Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for her company. What object would she use to store this information? (1) 

A. Energy Use Record 
B. Organization Asset 
C. Energy Contract
 D. General Emissions Factor 


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