Salesforce-Sales-Representative Practice Test Questions Answers

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Salesforce Certified Sales Representative (SP24)
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  •   Customer Engagement: 15%
  •   Deal Management: 37%
  •   Pipeline Management: 12%
  •   Forecasting: 6%
  •   Customer Success: 9%

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Salesforce Salesforce-Sales-Representative Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A sales representative is looking for ways to engage with a prospect at a greenfieldaccount on a digital platform.Which customer-centric approach should be used by the sales rep?

A. Promote a prospect's content on social media.
B. Upsell to a prospect at an existing account.
C. Send an email with content links to a prospect.

Question # 2

A sales representative wants to foster team selling, increase customer satisfaction, anddecrease customer attrition at a critical account.Which business capability can help implement these goals?

A. Territory Management
B. Account Planning
C. Account and Contact Management

Question # 3

A sales representative spends time building their pipeline with many opportunities. Theirconversion percentage is fairly high, yet the total pipeline volume is far from their quota.Which strategy would help the sales rep increase their pipeline health?

A. Be patient knowing that the numbers will eventually improve over time.
B. Challenge their manager about whether their sales quota is realistic.
C. Analyze the potential deal size and decision makers' authority.

Question # 4

A forecast is based on the rollup of a set of opportunities.What are three dimensions in a forecast rollup?

A. Contacts, product family, and revenue
B. Time, categories, and territories
C. Quotes, contacts, and territories

Question # 5

A sales representative is having challenges getting access to the decision maker to close adeal.How can the sales rep convince their contact to make an introduction to the decisionmaker?

A. Focus the discussion on the contact's role and responsibilities.
B. Share a customer success story based on real-world use cases and results.
C. Increase the frequency of engagement with the contact.

Question # 6

A sales representative is challenged by a customer with a competitor's product andfeatures.Which skill does the sales rep need to address this challenge?

A. Sales acumen
B. Product knowledge
C. Forecasting

Question # 7

A sales representative presented a solution and overcame the objections, but the prospectis still not completely ready to commit. The sales rep suspects the prospect is unsure aboutthe product and will want to return it. The sales rep decides to let the prospect try out theproduct for a predetermined period.Which type of close was chosen?

A. Summary
B. Puppy Dog
C. Assumptive

Question # 8

A sales representative is trying to engage a prospect who is unresponsive to cold calls.Which approach can the sales rep take as an alternative to build interest and align on whya solution meets the prospect's needs?

A. Engage the prospect through different channels.
B. Pause engagement and follow up at another time.
C. Try calling the prospect at different times.

Question # 9

A new sales representative is taking over an account and has a goal to develop arelationship with the key stakeholders previously managed by a different sales rep.What is the first step to building trust with these stakeholders?

A. Set up an introductory meeting and explain the reason for the transition.
B. Review records the previous rep left to understand the needs of the stakeholders.
C. Use a multi-channel approach to present an update on current product offerings.

Question # 10

A sales representative has spent countless hours on due diligence to make the appropriaterecommendation. At the last minute, the customer makes an unexpected objection. Thesales rep is surprised and wants to better understand where this objection is coming from.Which approach should the sales rep take?

A. Highlight customer success stories to build credibility.
B. Revisit the discovery phase of the sales process.
C. Acknowledge the objection and try to close with a different tactic.


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